

I'm Cali. I'm a wife, co-parent, and mom of twin boys who are soon-to-be 6, as well as brand new step-mom to 3 young adults who are 19, 16, and 14. I was born and raised in the Northland, and I can't imagine living anywhere else...unless you were to offer me a beach house, or a villa on the coast of Italy or France. I have been a public educator for 21 years, and I currently teach middle school, which I truly believe is the very best age in all the world. I enjoy reading, cooking, and traveling, and I believe ice cream is an acceptable meal any time of the day. I drink entirely too much diet coke, and my floors are rarely clean. I joined the mommy-club later in life after an 8 year struggle with infertility. I've decided being an "old mom" is a pretty great gig.

A Fear of Failure

I'll be honest, the start of a new year always frustrates me. Social media is full of people making resolutions, making budgets, making menus ... making plans. However, January usually finds me in a...

The Longest 27 Days

when i went to bed on August 6th, 2011, i did so anticipating the lovely baby shower in my honor that i would attend the next day. when i went to bed on August 6th,...

The Top Five Advantages of Advanced Maternal Age

Today is my birthday - October 28, 1973. For those of you trying to do the math ... I am {*cough* forty *cough*} years old. Which means I had my twins at age thirty-seven...

Seven Things I Wish Parents Knew

Note: This post is the fifth in our six-part “Back to School” series. Join us for the conclusion of this series on Thursday! This year marks my eighteenth in the classroom. Eighteen years! I have...

Mourning the End of Summer

Summer. The word itself conjures up images of long afternoons spent by the pool, ice cream for dinner, BBQs, ponytails, and flip-flops. We love it. We relish it. We count down the days until it returns. But...
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