
Tag: stay at home mom

The Task of Finding Myself Again

Summer is waning, the masks are off, and Target is filling up with pencils and crayons and backpacks. As I think about my kids...

Lessons I’ve Learned Since Becoming a Stay-at-Home Mom

My son and I had just spent a solid 15 minutes progressing only a few feet into what I was hoping would be a...

When You No Longer Have a “Job” to Talk About

Imagine sitting around the table at a restaurant with a group of either friends or family.  Everyone is discussing their lives- and by lives...

7 Summer Survival Tips for the Stay-at-Home Mom

I typically enjoy being a stay-at-home mom (SAHM) but the summer of 2018 was rough in my house. I had an 18-month-old and a...

Why Are You Making Almond Milk? Needing New Challenges as a...

Remember that kid in school who raised their hand for every question? Who read ahead for fun? Yep, that was me. Took extra credits...

Mommy 5-0: Playing the Bad Cop

“With great power comes great responsibility.” Voltaire said it first, and then so did Peter Parker’s uncle. Lately, that’s been my mantra for being...

This, Too, Will Pass

One year ago, I did something radical. I quit my dream job. In order to do my other dream job full time. I've been...

My Stay-At-Home-Mom Job

This summer Jollene wrote a post about how putting her career goals on hold to stay-at-home with her boys was not a waste of her...

5 Words That Unleash Verbal Diarrhea

"What did you do today?" A question that seems innocent enough to the average person. But to the SAHM laden with tiredness, functioning on...

I’m Not Wasting My Degree on Motherhood

If my old self could see me now. Five years ago, newly wed without a care in the world--other than when to take my...

Why I Need Stay at Home Moms in my Village

This post may ruffle some feathers because there seems to be a huge line drawn in the sand between these two groups of moms....

A Visit to the OBGYN… With Kids

I debated whether or not to share this experience, lest I shock and offend with my questionable parenting choices, but yesterday I had my...

What Did You Do Today?

“What did you do today?” An innocent question my hard working husband often asks as he walks through the door after a long day at...

I’m Leaning Out (Sort Of): On Working Part Time

After an emotionally exhausting adoption process, our newborn daughter was finally in our arms. I desperately wanted to be a stay-at-home mom, but our...

When Home is Your Office: A Freelance Story

My daughter was born after a long inducement at 1:58 a.m. on a Saturday in September. It was a beautiful, wondrous moment, one that...
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