
Tag: kindergarten

To Kindergarten or Not? That is the Question.

Our first baby was born in June, four weeks before his July due date. In the blink of an eye, we were faced with...

Dear Kindergartener, It’s NOT Supposed to Be Like This

Dear Kindergartener,  It’s NOT supposed to be like this. You’re entering into the very FIRST year of elementary school. The year is 2020, and the...

My Child’s Ready for Kindergarten, But I’m Not

I knew this day was coming, the day when my oldest son would be entering kindergarten. I tried to prepare myself all year by...

Starting Kindergarten During COVID-19

Quite a few members of our team have little ones slated to head off to kindergarten this upcoming school year. While there are no easy...

Tips for the First-Time Kindergarten Moms

If you or someone you know has recently sent their first child off to kindergarten you may have noticed that the (mostly) chill mothers...

Dear Kindergarten Teacher

Dear Kindergarten Teacher, The day has finally arrived. My tiny baby girl is officially a big kid, starting big school, and I am entrusting a...

The Summer Before Kindergarten

Ten and a half weeks. That’s how long my daughter has between pre-k and kindergarten. The last five years have flown by, and soon...

To My First Born Headed to Kindergarten

Hey bubs, Well you’re headed off to kindergarten soon. And so it begins. The back to school hustle and bustle. I have got no idea...

Summer Babies and Starting School

I have three kids that were born in the month of July. THREE. While we know how that happens, I can assure you that...

Highly Effective Kindergartner

Summer break. Finally. Kindergarten was hard. Not for reasons that I expected. We were prepared for navigating the frustrations that go with learning to...

Giddyup! It’s Time for Kindergarten Roundup!

If you’ve listened closely throughout March, you may have heard the slight whimpering of moms mixed with the nervous excitement of kids. And no,...

Kindergarten is Hard … on Me

Preschool to kindergarten is a tough transition. It means less sleep, less freedom and less family time. It also means more work, more rules...

Your First Day of School

You are my first. I am learning to be a mother because of you. You've taught me more about myself and about life than...

Kindergarten …*sniff a flower, blow out a candle*… Readiness

In the spirit of Dr. Seuss, and with all sarcasm intended, “How lucky, how lucky, how lucky you are” that you decided to have...

A Happy Goodbye to Preschool

"Aren't you sad?" I have been asked that question a dozen times in the last month. You see, my youngest, my baby boy, is growing...
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