
Tag: sleep

The Price of Sleep

Sleep is precious. And in my case, sleep is expensive! I cringe at the amount of money I have spent on various products that...

10 Lullabies that Won’t Give Parents Nightmares

Bedtime and lullabies go together like PB&J. And while Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star works, after a year of bedtimes, you won't care about the...

Motherhood: Enjoy Your Pre-parenting Freedom While You Can

A lot of things come with the title “adult.” There’s the fun side — staying up as late as you’d like, sleeping all day,...

Surviving the Toddler Bed Transition

Sleep.  Since we first bought him home from the hospital, sleep has been our greatest challenge as parents. Three years in, and in the...

When the Fog of Infancy Lifts

“This too shall pass.” “It gets easier.” “The fog will lift.” “You have your hands full!” We’ve all heard these statements from friends, family or well-meaning bystanders as...

My Rules for Sleep Deprivation

Yet again, I find myself in the middle of a sleepless season (I have a history of this ... plenty of history, apparently). Just...

The Ultimate Mom Life Hack

Good news, ladies. I am pretty sure I have found the ultimate mom life-hack. It magically provides a peaceful shower (taken alone), a moment...

Dear Mamas: It Gets Better

The other day I was talking with a friend who is in the throes of early motherhood. She was exhausted, overwhelmed and unsure of...

Sleep Training: A Nap Battle from Baby’s Perspective

New moms usually have one or two (or 57 million) things they stress and obsess over during the last trimester and the first three...

Motherhood and the Infinite Quest for Personal Space

When I was in elementary school, at one point, we learned about personal space by using hula hoops. Imagine a class of rowdy third graders...

Mothering in the Nighttime

Except for the repeated psst-whirr-mmm of the window air conditioner, all is still. My husband is sleeping soundly in the other room, unaware of...

Giving Up Blankie and Other Security Objects

Did you have a Blankie? If you didn’t, I would bet that you know someone who did. I’ll bet that you not only know...

Baby’s First Year According to Wonder Weeks

Breastfeeding, potty training, discipline tactics, motherhood in general. There's an app for that. Apps that keep track of feedings and messy diapers and milestones....

The 30-Minute Nap

One of the most common sleep complaints I hear from parents pertains to their baby’s catnaps. "He wakes up at 30 minutes on the...

Terrible Two’s at Nap Time

Around age two, many children start to have periods of nap regression. In fact, I went through one with my toddler just last week. It is...
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